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// Remove old error if exists $('#formError').addClass('formHide'); $('#formError').removeAttr('id'); // Validate fields dataCount=objForm.find('.dataCheck').length; dataCount=0; // Validate fields validateCount = objForm.find('.validate').length; validatedCount = 0; //Gather fields required for conversion tool validation var conAdvArrFields = $.makeArray(objForm.find('.dataCheck')); // Gather fields that need validation var arrFields = $.makeArray(objForm.find('.validate')); for (var i=0; i0 && conAdvFieldValue != conAdvField.attr('title')) { //if (!conAdvFieldValue.match(/^[A-Za-z]+$/)) if (conAdvFieldValue.length<=0) return showError(conAdvFieldID); // return true; validated = true; } //Email inputs if (conAdvField.hasClass('email') && conAdvFieldValue.length>0 && conAdvFieldValue != conAdvField.attr('title')) { //if (!conAdvFieldValue.match(/^[^@]+\@[^@]+$/) )Email validation changing to global validations if(!conAdvFieldValue.match(/^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/)) return showError(conAdvFieldID); validated = true; } // Number inputs //Adding periods for FSP - 6079 if (conAdvField.hasClass('number')&& conAdvFieldValue.length>0 && conAdvFieldValue != conAdvField.attr('title')) { if(conAdvFieldName.indexOf('at:phone') != -1||conAdvFieldName.indexOf('at:mobile_phone') != -1 || conAdvFieldName.indexOf('at:home_phone') || conAdvFieldName.indexOf('at:business_phone') != -1) { if (!conAdvFieldValue.match(/^[\d\- \+\(\)\.]+$/)) return showError(conAdvFieldID); } else { if (!conAdvFieldValue.match(/^[\d\- \+\(\)]+$/)) return showError(conAdvFieldID); } } //Zipcode if (conAdvField.hasClass('zipcode') && conAdvFieldValue.length>0 && conAdvFieldValue != conAdvField.attr('title')) { if (!conAdvFieldValue.match(/^\d+$/)) return showError(conAdvFieldID); validated = true; } } //Code for determining either First or Last name var result = validateGroups (".firstOrLast"); if(result == false) return false; //Code For determining either Email Or Phone result = validateGroups (".emailOrPhone"); if(result == false) return false; // Code For checking dependancy validation (Contact method -> email) result = validateDependencyChecks (".depKey_Email", ".depValue_Email"); if(result == false) return false; result = validateDependencyChecks (".depKey_Phone", ".depValue_Phone"); if(result == false) return false; for (var i=0; i -1) { if (count != fieldClass.replace(/.*(exactly)(\d+)?.*/gi, '$2')) return showError(fieldID); } if (fieldClass.indexOf('atLeast') > -1) { if (count < fieldClass.replace(/.*(atLeast)(\d+)?.*/gi, '$2')) return showError(fieldID); } if (fieldClass.indexOf('atMost') > -1) { if (count > fieldClass.replace(/.*(atMost)(\d+)?.*/gi, '$2')) return showError(fieldID); } if (!count && fieldClass.match(/exactly||atLeast||atMost/)) return showError(fieldID); } } if (!validated && !fieldValue) return showError(fieldID); } //This function is to check if first or last name is present //or to check email or phone is present. function validateGroups(strClassName) { var validateTwoArrFields=$.makeArray(objForm.find(strClassName)); 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valueFieldValue = valueFieldValue.trim(); if (!valueFieldValue || valueFieldValue == valueField.attr('title')) { //return showError(checkBoxFieldID); return showError(valueFieldID); } } } // End of if checkboxfield checked condition } return true; } // End of validateDependencyChecks return true; } // Show Error function showError(id) { $('label.formHide[for="' + id + '"]').attr('id', 'formError'); $('#formError').removeClass('formHide'); location.href = '#formError'; return false; } $(document).ready(function(){ // Apply function to each intake form $('form[id^="intakeForm"],form[id^="blogCommentForm"]').submit(function() { if (!formValidation($(this))) return false; // Empty autofilled fields $(this).find('input[title],textarea[title]').each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('title') == $(this).val()) $(this).val(''); }); //addgmttime(); //return true; $('form').each(function(){ addgmttime(this); //FSP-7629 return true; }); }); // Disclaimer Popup $('#intakeFormShortAutofill,#intakeFormShort').each(function(){ // Add click event to close link $('#intakeFormShortDisclaimer a').click(function(){ $('#intakeFormShortDisclaimer').slideToggle(200); 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// Set email_subject value $('#email_subject').val($('#emailObfuscationSubject').val()); var url = location.href; if (url.indexOf('attorneyName=') > -1) { var attorney = url.replace(/.*(attorneyName=(.*))/gi, '$2'); attorney=attorney.replace(/%20/gi,' '); var subject = 'FindLaw FirmSite Message for '.concat(attorney); $('#email_subject').val(subject); } // Check if user wants a copy if ($('#emailObfuscationCopyMe').attr('checked')) { $('#copymeEmail').val($('#emailObfuscationEmailAddress').val()); } else $('#copymeEmail').val(''); //addgmttime(); //return true; $('form').each(function(){ addgmttime(this); //FSP-7629 return true; }); }); // Function to check for guid in query string function checkObfuscationURL() { var url = location.href; if (url.indexOf('') > -1) return true; if (url.indexOf('guid=') > -1) { var guid = url.replace(/.*guid=([^=]*=).*/gi, '$1'); $('#guid').val(guid); return true; } else { alert('An error occured. Please use the back button on your browser and click on the e-mail link again.'); return false; } } // Check for guid checkObfuscationURL(); // Show subject and copy me inputs $('.formHasJavaScript').removeClass('formHasJavaScript'); // Remove "NoJavaScript" input $('#formNoJavaScript').remove(); }); }); $('script[src$="formValidationFSP.js"]:first').attr('hasexecuted', true); } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 07:57:28 May 25, 2022 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 20:37:34 Jun 08, 2022. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 54.74 exclusion.robots: 0.258 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.248 RedisCDXSource: 0.718 esindex: 0.008 LoadShardBlock: 39.275 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 50.801 (4) CDXLines.iter: 12.137 (3) load_resource: 97.648 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 51.244 */