var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); function fb_toggleLayer( whichLayer ) { var elem, vis; if( document.getElementById ) // this is the way the standards work elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer ); else if( document.all ) // this is the way old msie versions work elem = document.all[whichLayer]; else if( document.layers ) // this is the way nn4 works elem = document.layers[whichLayer]; vis =; // if the style.display value is blank we try to figure it out here if(vis.display==''&&elem.offsetWidth!=undefined&&elem.offsetHeight!=undefined) vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none'; vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block'; } /* Disable the form once submitted to prevent multiple hits */ function fb_disableForm(theform) { updateReferrerInfo(); if (document.all || document.getElementById) { for (i = 0; i < theform.length; i++) { var tempobj = theform.elements[i]; if (tempobj.type.toLowerCase() == "submit" || tempobj.type.toLowerCase() == "reset") tempobj.disabled = true; } return true; } else { alert("The form is currently processing. Please be patient."); return false; } } /* ajax.Request */ function fb_ajaxRequest(url,submitdata,fieldname) { jx.load( url + '?' + submitdata, function(data){ fb_getResponse(data, fieldname); } ); } /* ajax.Response */ function fb_getResponse(data, fieldname) { document.getElementById(fieldname).innerHTML = data; } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 15:32:30 Feb 29, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 19:52:37 Jun 08, 2022. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 164.808 exclusion.robots: 0.207 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.2 RedisCDXSource: 8.206 esindex: 0.008 LoadShardBlock: 141.22 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 270.551 (4) CDXLines.iter: 12.846 (3) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 155.062 (2) load_resource: 293.255 */